Prof. Gordon Huang, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Regina, Canada
Dr. Gordon Huang is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Energy and
Environment, and Executive Director of the Institute for Energy,
Environment and Sustainable Communities at the University of Regina,
Canada. He holds BSC from Peking University (China), MSc from Simon
Fraser University (Canada) and PhD from McMaster University
(Canada). Since the 1990s, Huang has led over 150 research projects,
produced over 800 peer-refereed international journal papers (with
an SCI-based H-index of 51 in Science Citation Index under Thomson
Reuters' Web of Science), and supervised over 100 Master/PhD
students (with degrees awarded). Over 20 Huang's PhD graduates were
appointed as faculty members at universities in Canada, USA, China
and Singapore. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of
Engineering, and the President of the International Society for
Environmental Information Sciences. He also acts as editor-in-chief
for Journal of Environmental Informatics
(, and served the United Nations
Development Programme as Chief Scientist for a program of Rural
Water Resources Management and Drinking Water Safety. His pioneering
work in environmental risk management has been recognized as a
significant innovation, and has influenced government and business
approaches for tackling environmental challenges and formulating
related policies.
Prof. Yongping Li, Beijing Normal University, China
Yongping Li is a
Changjiang Scholar Professor at Beijing Normal University, China.
She receives her MSc and PhD Degrees from the University of Regina,
Canada. Her research interests involve in energy and environmental
systems analysis, environmental pollution control, water resources
management, and decision making under uncertainty. Dr. Li has led or
involved in over 50 energy- and environment-related research
projects supported by industrial, governmental and international
organizations. She has produced over 350 peer-refereed international
journal papers (with an SCI-based H-index of 40 in Science Citation
Index under Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science), and supervised over 70
Master/PhD students. She has been continuously selected as a highly
cited scholar in the field of “environmental science” (by Elsevier)
since 2013. She was recently included in Stanford University’s 2020
World Ranking for the world’s top 2 per cent of most-cited
scientists in the field of Environmental Engineering. Dr. Li was
received a number of awards such as Distinguished Young Scientist
Award, New Century Excellent Talents in University, the National
Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, the National
Award for Youth in Science and Technology, and the National Award
for Youth Female Scientist.